YouTube Presentations

YouTube Presentations

Foundation for Learning and Literacy’s Symposium
Living Lives: Biographies, Autobiographies and Memoirs in the Centre’s Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander Peoples Database features 47 of these books, including the value of these genres for young people and special strengths of several titles.

NCACL Video Tour
In collaboration with the University of Canberra, a virtual tour was created to showcase the treasure that is the National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature Inc.  Introduced by Dr Belle Alderman, with comments by Sally Allen, teacher and Jodie Dawson, NCACL Volunteer.  Both Sally and Jodie were UC Interns placed at the National Centre for their work experience.

Foundation for Learning and Literacy’s Literature Symposium
This video features NCACL Picture Books for Older Readers database and highlights ‘Visual Literacy’ as the topic discussed.

Story Box Library
An interview with Dr Belle Alderman AM created by Story Box Library which covers the NCACL free databases and provides a useful overview of what NCACL offers, how researchers and others use the collection and some general comments.


Foundation for Learning and Literacy’s Literature Symposium
The University of Canberra, to which the National Centre is an affiliate, produced a 5-minute video filmed at the Centre. It featured Rowan Simpkin reading to Wiradjuri Childcare Centre, two interns and Belle Alderman AM talking about the Centre and showcasing Bob Graham and Alison Lester original artwork. Additional material is of the book collection and the Centre shop front.


Meet Belle Alderman, Director of the National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature
National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature YouTube Part 1
National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature YouTube Part 2 Creative Process
National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature YouTube Rare Books
National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature Art Work Collection

Foundation for Learning and Literacy Symposium logo