Collaborations between Leonie Norrington and Dee Huxley
The National Centre is delighted to be able to highlight and create exhibitions of its magnificent art holdings of Dee Huxley’s Look See, Look at Me! and You and Me : Our Place.
A Virtual Gallery & Exhibition Space has been created for both titles using the artwork that the National Centre holds. Rowan Simpkin has created useful Teachers Notes to assist classroom activities and to act as discussion prompts.
Virtual Gallery & Exhibition Space Look See, Look at Me!
Teachers Notes created by Rowan Simpkin Look See Look at Me!
Virtual Gallery & Exhibition Space You and Me : Our Place
Teachers Notes created by Rowan Simpkin You and Me : Our Place
Note: The National Centre has received permission from Leonie Norrington, Dee Huxley and their publishers, HarperCollins and Allen and Unwin, to reproduce copyright material.
Researchers and Educators are invited to use and promote the database holdings in the Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander Resource by Leonie Norrington and Dee Huxley.
The Barrumbi Kids Resource is another significant webpage that covers their fabulous collaborations and the creative process.
The Australian Children’s Television Foundation has also very kindly promoted the NCACL collaboration.
See also:
Dee Huxley’s artwork framework
Dee Huxley’s holdings on the NCACL Catalogue
Leonie Norrington’s holdings on the NCACL Catalogue
Posted by: NCACL | Published: 18 Jan 2023