Make a donation

Make a donation

The National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature Inc. (NCACL) relies on philanthropic support to achieve its conservation work and programs and activities. The creation of databases and bibliographies for to use in Australian educational settings and to support the curriculum can be costly and volunteer intensive.

Donations can be made by direct deposit through:

National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature Inc
Account Name: Gift
BSB: 062-901 Account Number: 10201872

Or make an online donation using Stripe
NCACL Online Donations

NCACL gratefully accepts monetary donations for Board approved special projects

The current projects include supporting NCACL databases to include 300 more titles into the Cultural Diversity database, the Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander Resource and the Picture Book for Olders Readers database.

The NCACL wishes to thank its generous donors for their financial support and encouragement.

NCACL has been endorsed as a deductible gift recipient (DGR) by the Australian Taxation Office under Subdivision 20-BA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. This entitles donors to make monetary gifts. The Centre acknowledges such gifts, and the monetary value of that gift can be itemised as a deduction on the donor’s income tax returns in the year of donation.

Printable NCACL Donation Form

See also:

Valuing gifts
Continuing donations
Considering access restrictions
Donating copyright
Determining ownership
Commissioning and arranging valuations
Accepting valuations
Further information