Help NCACL catalogue translations!
The NCACL collection includes over 57,546 books. Some 5,577 of these books are in overseas translations in 79 languages.
Currently 850 translations in 40 different languages, require specialist cataloguing from CAVAL.
Specialist cataloguing costs $$$$. Approximately $12,000 is required.
Donate to the NCACL translation cataloguing project.
The NCACL has been endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a deductible gift recipient in Subdivision 30-B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, 12.1.2 public library. Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.
Translations requiring specialist cataloguing include the works of:
Aaron Blabey
Emily Rodda
Elizabeth Honey
Barry Jonsberg
Lian Hearn (Gillian Rubinstein)
Steven Herrick
Nick Bland
Philip Bunting
Matt Cosgrove
Graeme Base
Christopher Cheng
Tania McCartney and Pamela Allen, to name a few.
Become a children’s book hero and join those who have already become National Centre sponsors!
See also:
Australian Children’s Stories Greet the World
Posted by: NCACL | Published: 12 Jun 2023