Contact Us

Contact Us

Contact us during normal opening hours

The National Centre is opened by volunteers on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9am – 5pm.
(02) 62012062 has a message bank.


National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature Inc.
The Hub
University of Canberra
ACT 2601

Please fill in the form below to get in contact, arrange a visit, provide feedback or report broken links

Want to Visit NCACL?

The National Centre is always pleased to meet those interested in viewing the NCACL collections and undertaking research.  There are many ways that visitors may come.  To assist you with your planning the following information is provided.

Transport options to get to the National Centre located on the University campus.

Paid parking applies on Campus between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday. Parking on the weekend is free. The University campus map provides parking information, including details for accessibility parking.

Photograph: Kids’ Book Review: Bookish Places