Author Illustrator research files index N to P

Author Illustrator research files index N to P

Author and Illustrator pages list by surname authors and illustrators for whom we have research files in the National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature. Special links may be added as listed below:

  • Finding Aid: A Finding Aid is available
  • Artwork: links to artwork framework pages in the Artists’ Artwork collection
  • Book Week: links to artwork framework pages in the Artists’ CBCA Book Week Artwork collection
  • Books: links to catalogue records for books and serials by this person in the UC Library Catalogue
  • Research Files Categories Of Material

Please note: these lists do not constitute a definitive list of all Australian authors and illustrators for children.


Nannestad, Katrina | books
Newton, Gina | books
Newton, Robert | books
Niall, Brenda | books
Nicholls, Bronwen | books
Nicholson, John | books
Nielsen, Christopher | books
Nieuwenhuizen, Agnes | books
Niland, Deborah | artworkartwork with Kilmeny Niland | books
Niland, Kilmeny | artwork | books
Nilsson, Eleanor | books
Nix, Garth | books
Nixon, Chris | books
Noonan, Michael | books
Norling, Beth | books
Norman, Lilith | books| wish list| finding aid 2019
Norrington, Leonie | books


O’Brien, May | books
O’Dea, Marjory | books
O’Harris, Pixie | artwork | books
Odgers, Sally Farrell | books
Oldfield, Audrey | books
Oliver, Narelle artwork | book week | books
Oodgeroo Noonuccal | books
Ormerod, Jan | books
Orr, Wendy | books | guide | finding aid 2009 | finding aid 2020
Oswald, Debra | books
Ottley, Matt | book week | books
Ottley, Reginald | books
Ottley, Ted |   books
Outhwaite, Ida Rentoul | books


Paice, Margaret | books
Panckridge, Michael | books
Park, Ruth | books
Parker, Aura | books
Parker, Danny | books
Parr, Letitia | books | finding aid
Parry, Glyn | books
Pascoe, Bruce | books
Patchett, M.E. | books
Paterson, Betty | books
Paterson, Esther | books
Pausacker, Jenny | books
Pavey, Peter | books
Peguero, Leone | books
Pender, Lydia | books| finding aid
Pershall, Mary | books
Phelan, James | books
Phillips, Shelley | books
Phipson, Joan | books
Phommavanh, Oliver | books
Pignataro, Anna | books
Plozza, Shivaun | books
Potter, Heather | books
Power, Margaret | books
Pownall, Eve | books
Prichard, Katharine Susannah | books
Prior, Natalie Jane | books
Pryor, Boori Monty | books
Pryor, Michael | books
Pulman, Felicity | books
Pung, Alice | books

Index A to C
Index D to F
Index G to J
Index K to M
Index N to P
Index Q to T
Index U to Z

Aura Parker is an illustrator, writer and designer who creates delightful picture books, prints and textiles.