Author Illustrator research files index K to M

Author Illustrator research files index K to M

Author and Illustrator pages list by surname authors and illustrators for whom we have research files in the National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature. Special links may be added as listed below:

  • Finding Aid: A Finding Aid is available
  • Artwork: links to artwork framework pages in the Artists’ Artwork collection
  • Book Week: links to artwork framework pages in the Artists’ CBCA Book Week Artwork collection
  • Books: links to catalogue records for books and serials by this person in the UC Library Catalogue
  • Research Files Categories Of Material

Please note: these lists do not constitute a definitive list of all Australian authors and illustrators for children.


Katz, Danny | books
Keil, Melissa | books
Kaufman, Amie | books
Kelleher, Victor | books
Kelly, Bernadette | books
Kendell, Sandra | books
Kennedy, Lisa | books
Kennett, David | books | artwork
Ker Wilson, Barbara | books
Kidd, Diana | books
Killeen, Gretel | books
King, Stephen Michael | books
Klein, Robin | books
Knight, Frank | books
Kostakis, Will | books
Kuchling, Guundie | artwork | books
Kwaymullina, Ambelin | books
Kwaymullina, Blaze | books
Kwaymullina, Ezekiel | books


Lacis, Astra | artwork |books
Laing, Ellie | books
Lake, David | books
Laguna, Sofie | books
Lamond, Margrete | books
Lanagan, Margo | books
Larbalestier, Justine | books
Larkin, John | books
Laroche, Sandra  |artwork| books
Lawrenson, Diana | books
Lawrinson, Julia | books
Lawson, Sue | books
Leason, Percy | books
Lee, Declan | books | book week
Leffler, Dubbooks
Legge, David | books
Lesnie, Phil | books
Lessac, Frane  |artwork |books
Lester, Alison | artwork | book week | books
Lim, Rebecca | books
Lindsay, Joan | books
Lindsay, Norman | books
Lisson, Deborah | books 
Lofts, Pamela | artwork | books
Loh, Morag | books
Lohse, Wendy | books
Lonesborough, Gary | books
Lord, Gabrielle | books
Lousie, Zanni | books
Lowry, Brigid | books
Luckett, David | books
Lurie, Morris  |books
Lyne, Nairda | books


Macarthur-Onslow, Annette | books
Macdonald, Caroline | books | finding aid
Macinnis, Peter | books
MacIntyre, Elisabeth (Eldershaw, Elisabeth) | books
Mack, Louise | books
Mackintosh, David | books
MacLeod, Doug | books
Macleod, Mark |books
Magerl, Caroline | artwork  | books 
Mahony, Frank | books
Mahy, Margaret | books
Mairou, Naomi | books | book week
Manley, Ruth | books
Marchetta, Melina | books
Marsden, John | books 
Marshall, Alan | books
Marshall, James Vance | books
Martin, David | books
Martin, Marc | books
Martin, Rodney | books
Marwood, Lorraine | books
Masciullo, Lucia | books
Mason, Prue | books
Masson, Sophie | books 
Matthews, Penny | books
Mattingley, Christobel |artwork donated | books
Mauldon, Judith |  books see Crabtree, Judith
Mayo, Eileen | artwork
McBride, Marc | books
McCarthy, Maureen | books
McCartney, Tania | artwork | books
McClelland, Julia | books
McDonald, Meme | books
McFarlane, Peter | books
McGeachin, Jess | books
McKenna, Brenton Ebooks
McKenzie, Heath | books
McKimmie, Chris | books
McKinlay, Meg | books
McKinnon, Heide |books
McLean, Andrew | artworkbooks
McLean, Janet | books
McMullin, Neridah  | books
McPherson, Sue | books
McRae, Rodney | artworkbooks
McRobbie, David | books
McSkimming, Geoffrey | books
McVitty, Walter | finding aids for books, | photos | research
Measday, Stephen | books
Meatheringham, Catherine | books
Meeks, Arone | books
Merrison, Carl / books
Metzenthen, David  |books
Millard, Glenda | books
Millard, Kerry | books
Miller, David | books
Milroy, Helen | books
Mitchell, Elyne | books
Mitchell, Simon | books
Moloney, James | books
Monk, Scott | books
Moore, Inga  |books
Morgan, Sally | books
Moriarty, Jaclyn | books
Moriarty, Ros | books
Morimoto, Junko | book week | books
Morris, Jill | books
Muir, Lynne Tracey | books
Muir, Marcie | books
Mullins, Patricia | artwork | books
Murphy, Sally | books
Murray, Kirsty | books
Murray, Martine | books
Murrell, Belinda | books
Mutard, Bruce | books

Index A to C
Index D to F
Index G to J
Index K to M
Index N to P
Index Q to T
Index V to Z

Fun fact

Carl Merrison is the 596 research file created by volunteers at the National Centre

Black Cockatoo
Merrison, Carl, author.; Hustler, Hakea, author.; Leffler, Dub, illustrator.