Author Illustrator research files index G to J
Author and Illustrator pages list by surname authors and illustrators for whom we have research files in the National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature. Special links may be added as listed below:
- Finding Aid: A Finding Aid is available
- Artwork: links to artwork framework pages in the Artists’ Artwork collection
- Book Week: links to artwork framework pages in the Artists’ CBCA Book Week Artwork collection
- Books: links to catalogue records for books and serials by this person in the UC Library Catalogue
- Research Files Categories Of Material
Please note: these lists do not constitute a definitive list of all Australian authors and illustrators for children.
Galbraith, Jean | books
Gamble, Kim | artwork | books
Gardner, Scot | books
Generowicz, Witold | books
Germein, Katrina | books
Gervay, Susanne books
Ghosh, Ronojoy | books
Gibbes, Lesley | books
Gibbs, May | books
Gifford, Lucinda | books
Giles, Barbara | books
Gleeson, Libby | books
Gleitzman, Morris | books
Godwin, Jane | books
Gold, Irma | books
Golds, Cassandra | books
Gordon, Gus | books
Goss, Mini | book week | books
Gough, Sue | books
Gouldthorpe, Peter | artwork | books | book week
Graham, Amanda | books
Graham, Bob | artwork | book week 1987 | 1992 |2013 | books | finding aid| Pommes d’api | Les Belles Histoires
Granger, Helen see Frances, Helen
Gray, Nigel | books
Gray, Patricia | books | finding aid
Greder, Armin | book week | books
Green, Cliff | books
Green, D C | books
Greenberg, Nicki | book week | books
Greenwood, Mark | books
Greenwood, Ted | books
Griffiths, Andy | books
Gwynne, Phillip | books
Haldane, Roger | books
Hall, Leanne | books
Hamilton, Margaret | books
Hann Syme, Marguerite | books
Hannay, Lorraine | artwork
Harding, Lee | books
Harewood, Jocelyn | books
Harland, Richard | books
Harlen, Jonathan | books
Harris, Christine | books
Harris, David | books
Harris, Wayne | artwork | books
Harrison-Lever, Brian | book week | books
Harry, Pip | books
Hartnett, Sonya | books
Harvey, Jacqueline | books
Harvey, Roland | books |
Hashmi, Kerri | books
Hathorn, Libby | books | finding aid | YouTube What Rosie Hears
Hawke, Rosanne | books
Hawkins, Tracey | books
Heath, Jack | books
Heffernan, John | books
Heinrich, Sally | books
Herrick, Steven | books
Heiss, Anita | books
Hill, Anthony | books
Hill, Deirdre | books
Hilton, Nette | books | finding aid
Hirsch, Odo | books
Hobbs, Leigh |artwork | books
Hole, Quentin | artwork| books
Holfeld, Greg | books
Honey, Elizabeth | artwork | book week | books | Jun 1999 finding aid |Sept 2009 finding aid
Hooper, Meredith | books
Horacek, Judy | books
Horder, Margaret | books
Horniman, Joanne | books
Houghton, Suzanne | books
Howell, Simmone | books
Hunt, Helen | books
Hunt, Julie | artwork | books
Hunt, Nan | books (as Nan Hunt) | books (as N.L. Ray) | finding aid
Hurle, Garry | books
Hurst, Elise | books
Hutchins, Elizabeth | books
Hutchinson, Sascha | books
Huxley, Dee | artwork | books
Hyde, Michael | books
Ingpen, Robert | books
Ingram, Anne Bower | books
Irvine, Ian | books
Isham, Steve | books
Jackson, Mark | books
James, Ann | artwork | books
Jellett, Tom | books
Jenkin, Graham | books
Jennings, Paul | books
Jinks, Catherine |books
Jolly, Jane | books
Jonsberg, Barry | books
Jorgensen, Norman | books
Jorgensen, Gail | books
Joyner, Andrew | books
Index A to C
Index D to F
Index G to J
Index K to M
Index N to P
Index Q to T
Index U to Z
Posted by: NCACL | Published: 07 Nov 2024