NCACL’S May Gibbs Legacy Collection Tania McCartney Once upon a time, there lived a little girl who marvelled at the wonders of nature. She loved to sing and dance and... Read mo...
Clipping for NCACL An existing NCACL volunteer lured me into clipping. Clippers can live anywhere & clip at any time and place. Clippers visually scan for, collect & forwar...
Beyond Words: The Complexity of Translating Australian Picture Books Dr Lara Cain Gray Australians love an international success story! We take pride in the fact that many of our b...
Visual Literacy: Can Picture Books Be Suitable for Older Readers? Picture books for older readers (Grade 5 through to secondary school) have proven to be a valuable literacy tool,...
Blogspace provides the NCACL with the opportunity to engage directly with those passionate about Australian Children’s Literature and our holding on authors, illustrators and pub...
Angela Brown has been a Lifeline Canberra Bookfair volunteer since 2007 and a NCACL ‘spotter’ since 2010. Angela is responsible for preparing Australian children’s picture...
Child Writes by Emma Mactaggart Emma Mactaggart: Author, Publisher, Speaker, Founder of The Child Writes Fund, The Lighthouse Toowoomba and International Read to Me! Day If you hea...
At the May 2022 Children’s Book Council of Australia conference dinner, Margaret Hamilton AM presented a priceless gift to the National Centre for Australian Children’s Literat...