The Ena Noёl Award and NCACL Since its inception in 1994, IBBY Australia’s The Ena Noël Award has played a significant role in identifying talented emerging writers and illustr...
An enjoyable two days of discovery at the University of Canberra by Karen Lee Mills I have been researching the life of author Edel Wignell, who sadly passed away in... Read more...
The Magic of Ephemera by Emma Janssen Behind these locked cupboard roller doors is an amazing collection of ephemera from Australia’s most loved authors and illustrators. “What...
Celebrating Diversity: The Importance of Representing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Children’s Literature In the world of children’s literature, repr...
The Value of NCACL’s Online Resources for Teachers Today I needed to find some Aboriginal children’s books about dogs. Not only that, I needed to find out some interesting in...
A Visit from the North Professor Gregory Bryan, University of Manitoba I am a professor of children’s literature in Canada. For the first part of this year, a study leave... Read...
Not Just English By Christopher Cheng NCACL Ambassador After more than 30 years, I feel very privileged to still be creating and publishing stories for children. Over those years I...
My Internship Featuring the Barrumbi Kids NITV Series By Sally Allen While undertaking my Masters of Education (Teacher Librarianship) at Charles Sturt University, I completed a te...
The case of disappearing reviews of children’s books By Dr Belle Alderman AM Director, National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature Inc There’s been a lot of talk rec...
Joy in Books by Joy Lawn During the thirty years that I’ve been an advocate for Australian children’s literature I’ve concluded my bio with the words, “I am fascinated by...