Beyond Words: The Complexity of Translating Australian Picture Books Dr Lara Cain Gray Australians love an international success story! We take pride in the fact that many of our b...
Clipping for NCACL An existing NCACL volunteer lured me into clipping. Clippers can live anywhere & clip at any time and place. Clippers visually scan for, collect & forwar...
NCACL’S May Gibbs Legacy Collection Tania McCartney Once upon a time, there lived a little girl who marvelled at the wonders of nature. She loved to sing and dance and... Read mo...
The Longevity of Sticky tape! by Bob Graham This is my first Blog, so in my world I am stepping over another small threshold here. Forty years back my first... Read more...
A Life in Children’s Books When I was young, in the 80s and 90s, I had the amazing gift of corresponding with many of Australia’s finest writers for children: Robin... Read mor...