Academic Bruce Pascoe has rewritten his adult informational book Dark Emu for younger readers. The strength and appeal of Young Dark Emu lies in its presentation. Using extracts from original nineteenth century colonial diaries and maps, the historical picture of Australia’s first land occupiers, the Aboriginal People, is told with great impact. The British colonisers and convicts claimed the Australian land without a treaty. According to the source material the author has meticulously researched, Aboriginal People worked together to farm and care for the land often with ingenious ways to safeguard and ensure the land prospered. The book’s accessible format includes reconstructed images of conflicts and evidence of how Aboriginal People cared for the land. Subject areas covered include agriculture, aquaculture, home, food storage and the use of fire to manage the land. Bibliographies promote further study. Bruce Pascoe is a Yuin, Bunurong and Palawa (Tasmania) man born in the Melbourne suburb of Richmond.