An exciting Dreaming story of a dangerous monster and a courageous cat (quoll) who uses his skill and bravery to destroy a scourge, and then buries all the victims of the monster in the correct manner. The story trope recalls mythical feats such as David and Goliath, Saint George and the dragon, Beowulf and Grendel, and Odysseus and the cyclops. Illustrated are in a bold, simple, but powerful style. Strong brown and ochre colours predominate, with red, blue, green, and black making a bold statement when necessary.
This story belongs to Molly Tasman Napurrurla, a Warlpiri woman from Lajamanu, Northern Territory. The book was illustrated by the students of the Lajamanu and Yuendumu Community Education Centres. A longer version of this story was collected in a major oral story project, published in Warlpiri and English, along with other stories, in: "Warlpiri Dreamings and Histories : Yimikirli : Newly Recorded Sayings from Aboriginal Elders of Central Australia." Lee Cataldi (editor), Peggy Rockman Napaljarri (editor), San Francisco : HarperCollins (United States) , 1994.
Series: Dreaming narrative