This is a delightful story narrated by a girl in a southern Australian city and a boy in the Top End of Australia. The text has a symmetrical rhythm centred around comparing the similarities and differences between the two different cultures. "'Normie says, 'If you come to my place you might see our pet. Same like your pets, but little bit diff'rent.'" Kids will enjoy reading the visual clues in the illustrations, that their parent or teacher is missing: that the pet is a crocodile!
The similarities and differences extend beyond hobbies and weather, to art and culture in general, including storytelling and which stories within Indigenous culture are shared in particular.
Each page pops with the vibrant colours of the collage illustrations. The southern city palette is cool greens and blues, and the Top End palette is warm greens, reds and oranges. The author/illustrator spent a year in a remote community near Kakadu, NT.