This is an original story told in the style of a traditional teaching tale. Enora (the author’s first name spelled backwards) lives in a rainforest where all the birds are black, white and grey. One day, he follows a mysterious band of shimmering colours into a clearing where the colours touch each bird, transforming its plumage. Because his people doubt his story, Enora kills a crane to show them but for this transgression, he himself becomes a crane - with black feathers.
Arone Meeks is a Kuku Midigi man, a member of the Kokoimudgji people from the Laura area in Queensland. He grew up in Yarrabah and El Arish, Mission Beach, Far North Queensland, although his country is the area around Laura, Cape York. He also studied with various tribal elders, including those of the Lardil people of Mornington Island.